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Monday, April 11, 2011

Science fair!

Hey guys, girls, dog's, cat's and frogs.I know I have been out for a while most of that has to do with the flu.Yeah you heard me...the flu I strongly dislike the flu and Justin Bieber, but some things will never go away.

So before all the flu madness I had a science fair project.It was really awesome, but I'm going to take you threw my journey.So let me tell you about this mix of just stuff that I had to go threw.My project was to

Day 1:Nothing

Day2:I got a few of my supplies such as my tri fold and stencils.I knew I was going to need those things,

Day 3:At this point we are 12 days away from the science fair.I waited until I was done with my tournament in Arkansas to actually get started on it.

Day 4:I Did my procedure.I took the time and got new tennis balls and I had used tennis balls and I already had some used tennis balls and the used tennis balls bounced lower than the new tennis balls.

Day 5:My hypothesis was right I thought the new ball would bounce higher than the new ball just because the old one had been hit so many times it lost some of it's bounce.

Day 6:I explain why...I found out a BRAND NEW tennis ball has a psi of 26.7 and the used ball had been hit atleast 100 to 200 times so the instantly would give it a psi of about 14.7
The big day:I put my tri fold on the desk and I presented

So yeah thats it My name is jay and i aproove this message

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