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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hey try on these cool Genes

Hey everyone I'm back.And it really hasn't really been a long time. I mean just a week ago I was teaching you about you.But stay cool  because today were going to be talking about genes.

Hey guys today were going to be talking about genes. You may have noticed I spelled a little different...okay maybe alot different,but the reason for that is because were not talking about any Levi jeans here were talking about genes that you get from your family whether your a dog,cat,frog,tomato,rhino or anything.

So how about we take a look at those genes huh?Well genes come from you parents and their genes come from there parents and so on and so forth. Well before you dive right into genes you have to know about Heredity.That's when yout parents pass down characteristics down to you. Those characteristics include eye color, hair color, and body build.(that doesn't mean your going to be a body builder as a baby).

Next let's get ready for the moment you have all been waiting for...well some of us atleast.So how do those genes fit? You don't hear that alot well atleast the kind of genes were talking about. Genes are those things that carry instuctions of an offspring.This is true in plants too.
Alright now we know about genes and heredity. But who came up with this stuff.I can answer that question...Gregor Mendel.Is the person who came up with this idea, and he also called ''the father of genetics".
Ok last thing before I leave you guys to getting back on your X-Boxes.Allele.I know, I know it sounds kind of funny...OK MAYBE IT'S HILARIOUS.Bur it's some of us. Anyhow remember when I was telling you about genes?Yeah let's get back to that. Each and every organism has a set of genes that chooses it's traits. And these things come in pairs. Wich is an allele.If one allele comes over and "over shines"the other. That is called the dominate allele.

\Now You guys are probably wondering what is that above. Well that my freinds is called the punnet square. Ruginal Punnet (I really don't know how to spell that dudes name)came up with the punnet square that kind of ran everything down for Gregor Mendal.

Well that's all I have to share with you guys today... My name is Jay from the Ropes of Science, and I aproove this message. If you want more go check out Katie, Super Sara, Fatima, and Kevin's blog thanks everybody. 

1 comment:

  1. Jalen, I've said this so many times, it really should be embedded in your memory: GRAMMAR! You need GRAMMAR! You had good information. You really did. You may want more pictures, but, it's just a suggestion. Maybe a video, too. But you really need grammar. It ruins the whole blog if you don't have it, know what I mean? Anyway, you have the right information. It's just the way you present it... and the way you don't use grammar. Please try, please. You have a good blog, you really do. Just try for grammar.
