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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Animals & Plant cells how are they diffrent?

Hey guys sorry about the title my brain couldn't come with anything special for you guys...but I have a very awesome blog post for you guys.Guess what it is...come on don't be shy.Well your taking to long so I'm going to go ahead and tell you.Well its about Animal cells and Plant cells.How are the different? look down below for awesome answers.

Well plant cells can produce their own food witch is kinda awesome to me.Animal cells are a little bit different. Plant cells have a cell wall, but animal cells don't. Another thing is that plant cells have one large vacuoles. Animal cells have more than one vacuoles. Now I know, I know that its hard to believe  that animal cells can be in this.
and plant cells can be in this

but believe it so if you want to look for more stuff go to Super Sara and Fatima's blog thx guys PEACE.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm at the factory giving tours!!!

Heeeeey whats up everyone I'm going to be giving you a tour of Cell inc.Sooo lets get started shall we?
 Sooo if  you like cells this is the place for you but before i give you a tour we have to past the cell membrane which is basically the bodyguard of the cell.Next you will see big storage bin if u don't know what that we call them the vacuoles yea look it up.Anyhooo the vacuoles are like storage bins that save food,water,peanut butter,and jam...ok well the don't save jam and peanut butter, but the do hold all that other stuff.

As u can see in the factory you have a big lighting bolt now i know what our thinking (Jay did Zeus come down and strike the factory) nooooo you guys its like the energizer for the factory...its kind of like the energizer bunny that you know shouldn't  be that hyper but he is anyway.Yea that what we call MITOCHONDRIA.

Next we have the overall cell the cytoplasm that holds the nucleas.Ok thats it for today thanks follow. pics below.