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Monday, May 10, 2010

Everbody look out its a TORNADO

A tornado is one of mother natures most powerful forces. The way a tornado begins when warm air goes up at a rapid pacewhile the cold air is at the earths surface.When winds form into two different direction collide the start to spin.When this happens a tornado is born so take cover and look out because you never know what category it is so lets take through what they are.

F1: Very little damage but can still peal of that roof. 74-112 mph

F2: considerable damage boxcars pushed over larges trees snapped. 112-157 mph

F3.Severe tornado roofs come off some walls maybe even trains overturned.158-206

F4:  devastating.Houses leveled structures blown off. 207-260

F5: OMG.Houses destroyed cars moved to the other side of town and will cause millions of dollars  worth of damage. 261-318

F6: Unrealistic damage... enough said. :)

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