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Saturday, April 3, 2010

what happend to those dinos

Have you ever wonderd what happen to the dinosaurs.Some say there  was a fire happend...some say that flood,fire,&earthquake happend its a very big quiestion that scienetist have been trying to figure out for years,its a quiestion that has  paleontologist minds crazy.Please post a comment and tell me how you think this quiestion is going to be answerd and what you think happen to the dinosaurs. 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Earths Sadness

Earth is in deep trouble with CFC's polluting our air and were destroying our own fate.Another problem on earth is DEFORESTATION its taking away oxygen and taking away habitats for ANIMALS.This is getting on my nerves and everyone who actually cares about the earth nerves...we can always do something about it if we get together help the earth. Its not impossible.