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Monday, March 7, 2011

It's About To Go Down!!!

Hey every body I would like to welcome you to a very..."disturbing" blog post.Don't worry after this blog post you will be able to tell everybody in your class,office,cave,hole,trench,and so on about themselves.So sit back relax don't eat anything that's going to make you vomit and enjoy this post.

Alright guys believe it or not you were a sperm cell like the one below.And oh look your in front of all the others.Ya see all those other sperm cells are you just in different personalities.And all those other sperm cells could of made you a boy of your a girl and girl if your a boy.But the sad thing about it is if you hadn't been the fastest you would of died off.That's right all sperm cells that don't make die off.

So let's get  to know your gender a little better shall we?Okay since you made it to the egg cell which is that giant round thing up top you had different chromosomes shapes.One which is X shaped,but there's  another shape.THE Y SHAPE!!Now when you enter the egg cell your chromosomes are unleashed if your chromosomes have XY in the egg cell CONGRATULATIONS your  boy.If your XX CONGRATULATIONS your a girl.

Sick yet?I'm gonna answer that question for you...yes mainly because I have to finish this blog post, BUT THAT'S OKAY!!So where were we...AHA at the genders.Well if you one extra Y your going to have twins HOOORAY FOR BROTHERLY LOVE!!And if you have a extra X HOOORAAAY FOR SISTERLY LOVE!!!

So thanks guys for another post from the Ropes Of Science I'm Jay and I aproove this message.

And as always be on the look at for Fatima's, Katie's, Kevins and as always Super Sara's blogs thanks guys.


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