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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hey guys I haven't been here for a long time because let's face it I got better things to do...just kidding I love blogging about science though.

Ok this post is kind of depresing.It's about CANCER.If you don't know what that is...YOU REALLY SHOULD it's deadly very dead;y.But how does this occur.

Well it happens when your DNA  is hurt ...or broken anyway if your body can't fix this problem your DNA might tell your body to keep producing more cells and this could cause CANCER!

Orrrr this could cause a tumor.Now when you here the term TUMOR you think OMG everything is horrible and cows can't go to the mooooovies (bad joke #1)and all the robots in the world are gunna learn how to take over our post offices.(bad joke #2) well that could be the problem,BUT there are two types of tumors malignat tumors are very danguerous and if they can't be removed you will probably hav to take a series of cancer fighting drugs.

They CAN grow over time though.Another tumors is very harmless it is easily removed my surgery and there are small.So Another thing...cancer can spread.That's right if a cancerous cell gets in that blood stream it can effect the blood cells in the blood stream and travel to different parts of the body causing a mass destruction of the body.

Well thanks guys for the 20 followers and next week were gunna be talkin about things LESS DEPRESSING,but ya know if you wunna go down that road you just let me know.But\I'm starting a new segment that is called "OTHER THINGS YOU WUNNA KNOW" that will start up next week and enjoy my first video for my blog.And as all ways you just got smarter


  1. Your blog was good this time. The grammar, was, well, um- good. Not excellent, but okay. Good information, and I like the title- LOL!!
