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Monday, September 6, 2010

Periodic table

Hey wuts up guys I'm here to talk about the periodic table by the way i really don't have any good puns but if I get one i will try to throw in there.So the PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS(really deep voice) is a table of all the elements such as H2O,Chlorine and others.Well some elements are kinda weird to pronounce like praseodymium.

Alright next we have groups and columns those things separate metals from non - metals so you don't get uranium mixed up with H2o.Next we have the symbol witch is a letter or letters that symbolize the element example:Chlorine is Cl and Nickle is u get the picture here guys.Another thing is the atomic number wich gives the number of protons in the element i will leave pics below. THX guys that completes my post of da Ropes of Science and always leave intresintg or creative comments telling me wut i need to do better and thx everybody for subscribing. till next time CYA


  1. but of course, you're going to change it because I pointed it out to you.

  2. HA HA HA! I pointed it out to you and you STILL misspelled it! WHOOOOO!

  3. Thx Fatima keep telling what i need to do wrong. :D

  4. This was better than last time, and but there are alot of things tht could of been better. First of all it was just one big sentence, couldnt understand. I was taking no breaks in my head bc it was a run-on sentence X 1000!! with the picture you didnt really explain what each things were you were like " ok heres the picture, so yeah!" you kinda relied on the pic to teach us and you need to be the information giver-er, not the picture.Really hard, to iunderstamnd, and too many abbrevs, but it was alot better than last time so keep up the good work I hope my consturctive-ness will help get your blog better! keep up the good work PS there were too many puns de ja vu goodbye

  5. Now, back to business. You really need to check your grammer. I mean, seriously! But it wasn't all bad. You had the information, you had the picture, and you put your personality. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

  6. good just dumb it down

  7. hey jalen where is your other blog??? ;-)
