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Thursday, August 26, 2010

History of atoms

Hey whats up you guys Jalen here with the history of atoms i know fun right...right? yea i know so lets go back,back BACK IN TIME.So in 1808 John Dalton published his theory of matter but still he didn't know anything about protons neutrons and electrons.So in this time no one knew what was inside in atoms but around 1897 J.J Thompson was investigating electricity when he identified and electrical charged  particle that he called a electron, but a scientist in New Zealand Ernest Rutherford put a a thin piece of gold tin foil he shot positively charged particles and saw that most of them passed through the tin foil  but a few bounced off from his experiment he saw that atoms were mostly empty space.

Now guys were back in the future and talking about today's model which is basically when electron orbit around the nucleus which is made up of protons and neutrons.Protons are subatomic partcles that have positively charged particles and you have your neutrons which are negatively charged and neutrons that have no charged. thanks guys and my friend Sam the Scientist will be staying here for a while so if you guys have any questions here's your guy THX CYA


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. First of all, it's Fatima. Second of all,you barely had any periods. Third, you didn't capitalize some stuff. Fourth, charged was highlughted for no reason. Fifth, I really liked your info. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! (Just read through your blog next time and correct the mistakes.

  3. great job i like the info its very !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. u need 2 correct ur mistakes but cool info!

  5. Thx guys keep tellin me wut i do wrong so i can correct it. :D
