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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Im back with new inventions

In class were studying inventions i found out about this new invention called the sand cleaner.I'm sure you guys heard about the oil spill by now well...6 week laaater...the sand cleaner after the oil spill was invented a enviormental (i forgot the name) company were like hey we need to do our part on the oil spill so they designed a sand cleaner.The objective is not to leave a single grain of salt with oil in it. Most people love movies but now can make your own movies in 3D? Well i tryed once but it went SOOO wrong well now u can create movies that should not be in 3D such as Shrek 3 on your own time with 3d movies.With the 3d video camcorder u can do a variety of things in 3d.Its looks cool the reviews are cool it smells cool so why  not buy it Link is below check it out for yourself. Well thats all until next time keep inventing

P.S Guys i know i have not been putting out blogs lately but theres more to come BYE

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