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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Final

Hey guy's that's right.It's the end of the year,and that means it's time for that final blog post.Don't be sad, I have another blog I'm going to create to keep everybody posted during the summer.So that will be like an alternate blog for all you REAL Ropes of Science below.

So for my final blog post I'm going to show you something that interests me.Well one SCIENTIFIC thing that catches my eye is energy.Yeah SOLAR ENERGY.Yeah it's pretty cool once you think about it.Well truth be told we do a horrible job at keeping our planet safe.

.And keeping our planet resourceful.But I think you already knew a little sumthin about that.But the things we have and technology have changed that. Remember the smart car? Yeah you see em everywhere now.And Chevrolet made this new car called the Chevrolet Volt. You plug it up to an outlet, and it fuels your car, but as Super Sara sitting 1 seat away from me says, AND I QUOTE:
"Yeah, but it takes like a day to fill up so they still have to make improvements."Thanks for proving to the world that Chevy is a failure.I'm just kidding, I love Chevy.
Now since I'm no expert on this solar thing I can't tell you everything about Solar science, and activity.But I can tell you that solar panels will help us get over the next hump of resourceful energy.

 So let's get to how these solar panels work.Some of these solar panels take in solar radiation from the sun, and turns it into elctricity.Now I went to the Tellus Meusuem in Dairesville Georgia, and outside the Tellus was a house made from solar energy. It had solar panels on the roof taking in solar radiation from the sun.And I really would not mind living there it was kinda couzy up in der.

Now let's get to know this Chevy Volt. First of all the car itself is slick and it probably should make an appearance in the next transformers,but i doubt because as Super Sara said "it takes like day to fill up so they need to make improvments

Thanks, guys. Keep the followers and the haters comin'.Until next school year this is Jay ,and I approve this message.

Check these blogs:
Katie's blog

Monday, May 16, 2011

Goodbye everybody

Hey everybody.The end of the year is near, but don't be a fear I have another blog for the summer, and that will have everything from viral videos to funny videos, and basketball highlights.But that's not what I'm here to discuss that.I'm here to say GOODBYE, and it has been a wonderful year in regard.And they were some up's, and definitely some downs but that's ok.It's been awesome blogging for you guy's so have a good summer you guy's

Monday, May 9, 2011

Genetic Mutations.

Genetic mutations are very dangurous, but sometimes cool. Like Spider-Man or Justin Bieber,but that's not genetic mutations that's just a horrible disease that's just a horrible disease that only horrible singers get.Lol I kidd Justin Bieber. But we are talking about Genetic Mutations.So sit back, and enjoy a good refreshing Ropes of Science.

So one thing that is used for genetic mutations are dogs.Yes man's best friend yeah or man's best guard dog.But alot of Dogs are bread to do certain jobs such as herding, athletic activities, and acting.But that's not all there used for there also used for alot of looks too.What I mean by that is some people take the DNA of dogs, and

Friday, April 29, 2011

Genictic People

Yeah what's up guys I havn't seen you guys in like 2...3 maybe 85 weeks.Lol I'm just kidding, but I do got soem catching up to do I missed a genetic mutation blog so I gots to do that one so you guys are gunna get double the fun if that's what fun to you is. So today I'm gunna be teaching you about people that have devoted their life to genetic research and just for the record I didn't choose this topic I would be doing something about candy or something.So as I was sayin before I ever so rudley inturpted myself I'm going to teach you about Genetic Researchers. Soooo let's get ready to RUMMMBLEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I don't say so myself Francis Clerk looks like his one of the most dedecated people to genetics I have heard of  because this is the only person I have heard of the researches genetics.Anyway this guy studied genetics at the university of London, and he earned a Ph.D under profeser Andrade.And before you know it he got a Nobel Prize which if you guys didn't know that is extremly hard, but if there was a nobel prize for eatin that's all me. And if you didnt know what he looks like this your chance.
So let's figure who this James Watson charecter is huh?I can tell you that this guy was beast...yeah you heard me beast he went to college at the universty of INDIANA!!!!!! He too won a nobel prize, but not for the same reason as Franccis Crick.Together Crick & Watson decided to team up and discover the chemical structure of matter.I know there were pretty darn smart weren't they?
Now time to talk about this Severo Ochoa and Barbara Mclintock then we will be done.

So about this Severo fellow....HAHAHA did you see what I did there....I made a funny.But for reals this guy was reallly smart he educated himself at the University of Malaga yeah I know it's a weird name for a college, but just don't bother him about that.In 1927 he paid a visit to the college of Glasgow yeah and I know that's also might be a weird name but come on you guys got weird names too so don't be hatin. Heres Fellow Severo hahahaha.
Now Barbara was very good at what she did she won a Nobel prize to she also  attended the only course in genetics open to undergraduate students at Cornell University.After completing her requirements for her   Ph.D. she said she would remain at Cornell only to start the study of chromosomes there.Yeah I know you guys remember them things huh?

Yeah so guys Super Sara is off on vacation taking a break and no taking you guys...I know right so messed up right? Just kidding,but she didn't leave you guys empty handed she gave you a super Sara blog so no super disappointment. So if you guys wan't to know more check out the links BELOWWWWWWW.

Thx guy's I will catch ya later again my name is Jay and I approved this message 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Science fair!

Hey guys, girls, dog's, cat's and frogs.I know I have been out for a while most of that has to do with the flu.Yeah you heard me...the flu I strongly dislike the flu and Justin Bieber, but some things will never go away.

So before all the flu madness I had a science fair project.It was really awesome, but I'm going to take you threw my journey.So let me tell you about this mix of just stuff that I had to go threw.My project was to

Day 1:Nothing

Day2:I got a few of my supplies such as my tri fold and stencils.I knew I was going to need those things,

Day 3:At this point we are 12 days away from the science fair.I waited until I was done with my tournament in Arkansas to actually get started on it.

Day 4:I Did my procedure.I took the time and got new tennis balls and I had used tennis balls and I already had some used tennis balls and the used tennis balls bounced lower than the new tennis balls.

Day 5:My hypothesis was right I thought the new ball would bounce higher than the new ball just because the old one had been hit so many times it lost some of it's bounce.

Day 6:I explain why...I found out a BRAND NEW tennis ball has a psi of 26.7 and the used ball had been hit atleast 100 to 200 times so the instantly would give it a psi of about 14.7
The big day:I put my tri fold on the desk and I presented

So yeah thats it My name is jay and i aproove this message

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hey try on these cool Genes

Hey everyone I'm back.And it really hasn't really been a long time. I mean just a week ago I was teaching you about you.But stay cool  because today were going to be talking about genes.

Hey guys today were going to be talking about genes. You may have noticed I spelled a little different...okay maybe alot different,but the reason for that is because were not talking about any Levi jeans here were talking about genes that you get from your family whether your a dog,cat,frog,tomato,rhino or anything.

So how about we take a look at those genes huh?Well genes come from you parents and their genes come from there parents and so on and so forth. Well before you dive right into genes you have to know about Heredity.That's when yout parents pass down characteristics down to you. Those characteristics include eye color, hair color, and body build.(that doesn't mean your going to be a body builder as a baby).

Next let's get ready for the moment you have all been waiting for...well some of us atleast.So how do those genes fit? You don't hear that alot well atleast the kind of genes were talking about. Genes are those things that carry instuctions of an offspring.This is true in plants too.
Alright now we know about genes and heredity. But who came up with this stuff.I can answer that question...Gregor Mendel.Is the person who came up with this idea, and he also called ''the father of genetics".
Ok last thing before I leave you guys to getting back on your X-Boxes.Allele.I know, I know it sounds kind of funny...OK MAYBE IT'S HILARIOUS.Bur it's some of us. Anyhow remember when I was telling you about genes?Yeah let's get back to that. Each and every organism has a set of genes that chooses it's traits. And these things come in pairs. Wich is an allele.If one allele comes over and "over shines"the other. That is called the dominate allele.

\Now You guys are probably wondering what is that above. Well that my freinds is called the punnet square. Ruginal Punnet (I really don't know how to spell that dudes name)came up with the punnet square that kind of ran everything down for Gregor Mendal.

Well that's all I have to share with you guys today... My name is Jay from the Ropes of Science, and I aproove this message. If you want more go check out Katie, Super Sara, Fatima, and Kevin's blog thanks everybody. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's About To Go Down!!!

Hey every body I would like to welcome you to a very..."disturbing" blog post.Don't worry after this blog post you will be able to tell everybody in your class,office,cave,hole,trench,and so on about themselves.So sit back relax don't eat anything that's going to make you vomit and enjoy this post.

Alright guys believe it or not you were a sperm cell like the one below.And oh look your in front of all the others.Ya see all those other sperm cells are you just in different personalities.And all those other sperm cells could of made you a boy of your a girl and girl if your a boy.But the sad thing about it is if you hadn't been the fastest you would of died off.That's right all sperm cells that don't make die off.

So let's get  to know your gender a little better shall we?Okay since you made it to the egg cell which is that giant round thing up top you had different chromosomes shapes.One which is X shaped,but there's  another shape.THE Y SHAPE!!Now when you enter the egg cell your chromosomes are unleashed if your chromosomes have XY in the egg cell CONGRATULATIONS your  boy.If your XX CONGRATULATIONS your a girl.

Sick yet?I'm gonna answer that question for you...yes mainly because I have to finish this blog post, BUT THAT'S OKAY!!So where were we...AHA at the genders.Well if you one extra Y your going to have twins HOOORAY FOR BROTHERLY LOVE!!And if you have a extra X HOOORAAAY FOR SISTERLY LOVE!!!

So thanks guys for another post from the Ropes Of Science I'm Jay and I aproove this message.

And as always be on the look at for Fatima's, Katie's, Kevins and as always Super Sara's blogs thanks guys.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


        Hey guys, girls, and frogs, cats, Pokemon, etc...welcome to "THE NEW"look of Ropes of Science! I figured it was time for a change of look, so I pulled out the creativity that I killed years ago and brought it back out. So take a look at some new gadgets and formats! LOL!

        So today, we're going to be talking about meiosis. That's right, mitosis's distant cousin, kind of.Well, first thing you got to know about meisos is that it can be a little complicated, so this post might be kinda long. So the first question is....What is the first step meiosis? Prophase 1, DNA replication starts meiosis kinda starts out like mitosis, yes? Okay, on to the next one. 

 Next is Prometaphase 1. The nuclear Membrane vanishes, and the chromosomes attached to the spindle fibers begin to move

Metaphase 1: two or more chromosome's line up at the metaphase plate. The orientation is completely random. This means there is 50-50 chance that the daughter cells to get the mother's or father's homolouge, or genes.
        Okay, I can guarantee you this is not it, but I will be explaining more in the video either below, right side, or left side up down (whereever you want it to be).

Thanks guys for the 22 followers! This is the Ropes of Science and I approve this message.
        And if you want to know more go on ahead and check out Anabel's new look blog and Fatima's blog...oh, and there's a new kid. Her name is Katie, and her blog is down below my other classmate's blog. BYE, GUYS!!!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mitosis And Everything That Comes With It

Hey guys I'm back from my month off I guess? OMG I haven't seen you guys in over A YEAR...ya get it because...BE QUITE my grandma thinks I'm funny.Only

Ahh what's up audience.First thing I wunna talk about is MITOSIS! Mitosis are steps that help a cell divide and it  isn't a acronym.Mitosis is Phrophase,Prometaphase,Methaphase,Anaphase,and telophase.

 First step is Phrophase.Chromosomes are copied.Chromosomes are thread like coils(chromatin).
Next step is promethaphase.Mitosis begins and the spindle fibers begin to form between the poles.
The 3rd phase is metaphase.Pairs of chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers.

The 4th phase anaphase.Chromosomes separate and begin to move to oppostie ends of the cell.

SO that's all I got on my mind and you just got smarter and eat your veggies.And if you wunna know more just look @ the links to the blog.

And guys here are some other GREAT links to GREAT blogs.



Hey guys I haven't been here for a long time because let's face it I got better things to do...just kidding I love blogging about science though.

Ok this post is kind of depresing.It's about CANCER.If you don't know what that is...YOU REALLY SHOULD it's deadly very dead;y.But how does this occur.

Well it happens when your DNA  is hurt ...or broken anyway if your body can't fix this problem your DNA might tell your body to keep producing more cells and this could cause CANCER!

Orrrr this could cause a tumor.Now when you here the term TUMOR you think OMG everything is horrible and cows can't go to the mooooovies (bad joke #1)and all the robots in the world are gunna learn how to take over our post offices.(bad joke #2) well that could be the problem,BUT there are two types of tumors malignat tumors are very danguerous and if they can't be removed you will probably hav to take a series of cancer fighting drugs.

They CAN grow over time though.Another tumors is very harmless it is easily removed my surgery and there are small.So Another thing...cancer can spread.That's right if a cancerous cell gets in that blood stream it can effect the blood cells in the blood stream and travel to different parts of the body causing a mass destruction of the body.

Well thanks guys for the 20 followers and next week were gunna be talkin about things LESS DEPRESSING,but ya know if you wunna go down that road you just let me know.But\I'm starting a new segment that is called "OTHER THINGS YOU WUNNA KNOW" that will start up next week and enjoy my first video for my blog.And as all ways you just got smarter